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Why you’ll never be an HR?

Everybody wants to be a Human Resources Manager today!

I know languages, Excel, read articles about HR,10+ books on “management & how to be a perfect team player”. Probably I’m HR now?

The answer is of course NO!

What does it mean to be an HR manager in terms of not just cookies and smiling but being a real pro who owns the game?

The reason of existing HR:

Let’s clear the air and find out why HR profession exists and when it’s useful. To begin with, when you’re the CEO you always want 2 things:

1. Best specialists working for you

2. A lot of delighted clients and as a result more income

Of course, these two things depend on each other but everything starts with employees.

I bet everyone had a feeling when you did not want to go on a job or was about to leave the company. 90% cases are not because you hate your daily tasks but the atmosphere indeed does not suit your spirit or you’re not on the same page with your boss.

HR is the one who’s responsible for investigating and improving your mood while staying in the office and even after working hours.

Smile or Die:

I want to stress a point that many beginners consider HR as a hostess who is always smiling to everybody and has to laugh out loud in order to cheer everybody up.

Forget about these stereotypes!

Quick fact: HR is a reflection of the company and his ideas & behavior represent corporate spirit and rules. More than, HR is working on these rules and it’s his direct duty to support corporate culture, traditions that form a friendly team.

The company is a brand:

No doubt, everybody has friends who are proud of their own company. They always post pictures from the office, corporate events, educational programs in the company etc.

Why do you think someone would do that? Does someone pay them? They love their job and earn millions?

The reason: their company’s name is already a brand. People respect this company and think that you’re cool since you associate yourself with this organization.

Most of you will be surprised but it not always depends on the size of the company. To be honest, it was all HR work who created that brand.

How can HR create this brand?

Every employee wants to earn more, spend a great time in comfortable office and during his day off.


Every employee wants to be smart and increase his yearly income which is why company organizes courses and various programs. It proves potential employee that you’ll help him with self-development and career. Frankly speaking, no one wants to stay at the same position all his life.

Events (Work hard, Play hard):

Most people from your company may not only need a job but also want the company to organize their free time, find friends and even wife/husband because they can’t do it by themselves or don’t have time.

HR has to define what most people love. Drink alcohol? Dance? Watch movies? Play bowling? Chess? Walking in the park? Maybe cycling or mountain climbing?

After you define their favorite activities, HR, from time to time, has to organize all of them and suggest options. (Movie? A couple of beers in the bar? Visit a concert)

Still, think that it does not worth it and employees don’t deserve it?

Fact: It’s not for employees it’s for company!

Remind yourself a day when someone declined your job offer or you had to find 3 experienced engineers in a week for the project because previous were hunted by some other company. The company where HR is able to organize parties, summer travel, Friday gatherings and support the spirit & atmosphere which people admire!

This is a company that your friends will tell you in the bar describing the nicest corporate event last Saturday, complex educational programs, comfortable office with kind people. As a result, you think good of this company and once you have a chance you’ll accept their offer.

They own the HR game:

Perfect HR knows how to communicate with everybody. Does not mean he has to smile and say “hi” to everybody. People are different and HR has to know how to speak with Introvert, funny guy, sociopath and even alcoholic.

True HR won’t ever feel uncomfortable and won’t make anybody feel uncomfortable!

Mistakes (How to make everybody feel comfortable):

How many mistakes I’ve seen in companies. You won’t even believe.

Depends on the person of course. HR works all day trying to figure out with a list of questions and interview people and find out what’s going on in the company.

Advise: Once you’re in the office you’ll never find out for sure what kind of the person is in front of you. Don’t you remember that people tell truth only to their friends or status at least close to friends. (or when they are drunk).

Have you ever seen friends who see each other only during working hours?


You can learn how to drive a car, swim and even build a house but you can’t learn how to be HR. HR is not only cookies, smile, workflow from the internet, couple of books and some rules.

HR is a lifestyle and kind of an art. Only those who love their job and feel what’s currently under your skin right now and literally can read your thoughts are deserved to be Human Resource Manager.


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