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Node JS team

Node JS Development

Our team creates fast, scalable, and real-time applications using Node JS. We provide assistance opportunities and solutions for startups, small to medium-sized businesses, enterprise organizations, and agencies to serve their business objectives.

Every now and then, we find out another big company turns out to be using Node JS platform in its operations. As of today, the list includes giants such as Netflix, Linkedin, NASA, and Uber. Many other companies decided to follow the same steps and to rewrite their existing apps with Node.js to boost their productivity and performance.

Node.js operates exceptionally well under heavy load and is, therefore, a perfect solution for virtually any real-time web project. There are plenty of apps that require real-time communication. From chatbots, instant messaging apps, teleconferencing software, and cloud-based solutions, all the way to data stream processing. In all of these case scenarios, Node JS shines.

Benefits of using Node JS:

  • Best for real-time and streaming apps
  • Assures decreased response time
  • Mobile friendly
  • Delivers Improved Performance
  • Solid community support

Our portfolio