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ProSteer Group’s Commitment to Supporting Ukraine Amidst the Ongoing War with Russia

Page Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Financial Support for the Army
  3. Providing Shelter for War Refugees
  4. Turning an Office into a Refuge for Displaced Families
  5. Supporting Our Heroes on the Frontlines
  6. Equipping the Frontlines with Essential Vehicle
  7. Aiding in Vehicle Repairs for Air Defense
  8. Donating Engineering Equipment for Military Units
  9. Conclusion


As a company deeply rooted in Ukraine, the ProSteer Group has witnessed firsthand the challenges and hardships our nation has faced since the outbreak of the war with Russia in 2022. In these trying times, we have made it our mission to stand by our fellow Ukrainians and do everything in our power to support our country as it grapples with the ongoing war.

This article is a testament to the various ways in which ProSteer Group is making a significant impact in helping Ukraine cope with the war launched by Russia.

Financial Support for the Army

The well-being of our nation is at the core of our commitment. One of the most immediate and impactful ways we have extended our support is through financial contributions to the Ukrainian army. In the face of adversity, we have mobilized our resources to raise funds for the army's needs, ensuring they are equipped with the necessary tools, supplies, and resources to continue their vital mission in the war.

Providing Shelter for War Refugees

The heart-wrenching scenes of families and individuals fleeing their homes in search of safety prompted an immediate response from ProSteer Group. In the early days of the war, many of our employees selflessly opened their doors to strangers who had escaped the war, offering them shelter and a sense of safety during these uncertain times. This act of compassion is a testament to the solidarity and humanity that runs deep within the ProSteer Group family.

Turning an Office into a Refuge for Displaced Families

As the war escalated, it became evident that more extensive support was needed. In response, we made a bold decision to transform one of our office spaces into a refuge for refugees. Bedrooms and a communal kitchen were swiftly installed, allowing displaced families to find a temporary home amidst the chaos of war.

Supporting Our Heroes on the Frontlines

ProSteer Group is not only committed to providing support from the rear but also on the frontlines of the war. A significant number of our employees have answered the call to defend their homeland. The company, in turn, equipped them for their duties on the front. This demonstrates our unwavering commitment to the well-being and safety of our employees, who have demonstrated immense bravery in their service to Ukraine in the war.

Equipping the Frontlines with Essential Vehicles

Recognizing the importance of mobility on the frontlines of the war, we procured and supplied vehicles that have been deployed to the front to aid in various military operations. These vehicles serve as a lifeline, transporting troops, supplies, and equipment to critical locations on the frontlines, ultimately strengthening Ukraine's defense efforts in the war.

Aiding in Vehicle Repairs for Air Defense

In addition to acquiring vehicles, we have actively participated in the repair and maintenance of vehicles used in air defense operations. Our technical expertise has been put to good use, ensuring that the air defense units have fully operational and reliable vehicles to safeguard Ukrainian skies in the war.

Donating Engineering Equipment for Military Units

Our commitment to the Ukrainian military goes beyond monetary contributions and shelter. We have generously donated engineering equipment to various military units. This equipment, ranging from tools to machinery, plays a vital role in supporting the technical and infrastructure needs of the armed forces, further strengthening Ukraine's ability to defend itself in the war.


The ongoing war with Russia in Ukraine has brought unimaginable challenges to our nation and its people. However, amidst the turmoil, the ProSteer Group has emerged as a shining example of resilience, unity, and compassion. Our multifaceted approach to aiding Ukraine, from financial support and shelter for refugees to equipping the frontlines and supporting air defense, underscores our unwavering commitment to the well-being of our nation in the war. ProSteer Group stands as a beacon of hope in these trying times, reflecting the strength and solidarity of the Ukrainian people in the face of adversity. We will continue to stand strong and united, facing the challenges of the present while working towards a brighter future for Ukraine in the midst of the war.


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