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Project Manager – waste of budget?

We all know about how dedicated teams may help out on the project and why it’s sometimes the best way in terms of startups, pivoting and budget.

Once you have an idea, next step will be finding a trusted team to give your concept a birth.

Let’s talk about Project Manager role! When may it boost development and give you a chance to meet all the deadlines?

Planning: (how someone without tech skills can help to succeed with a project?)

Having a project with 1-2 devs is actually sometimes the easy way you can handle without PM as long as they tightly collaborate with each other. Even, know about the work and progress of each other which obviously helps to avoid misunderstanding and ongoing issues.

What if you have 10 -20 specialists working on the project (some guys remotely). All of them need to work together as one engine. More than, once someone fails it affects the others.

Sometimes devs in one team have no idea about tasks of each other which is pretty normal. It’s worth mentioning that it may be a problem when it’s startup with limited budget counting each hour to launch before the deadline and missing someone who’s ready to take over the progress.

Fortunately, Project Manager’s work is to handle all the mess and miscommunication. Project manager knows exactly who is responsible and for what parts which helps him/her to avoid potential conflicts.

Fact: PM always knows strong and weak sides of the team which allows him/her to balance the resources and form a successful team.

Having such a set of skills and information PM is the one who can plan backlog and spread tasks so that everybody will be max effective during each sprint.

Development (Client’s angry! What do we say?)

No doubt, since you’re the owner of the product, investing a lot of money you probably want to know exactly what’s going on with progress and be aware of all the issues if there are any. Here comes PM with a clear understanding of a daily progress and plan for the next week/month.

Besides, close interaction with clients, PM is the one who handles all the communication in terms of development.

As it always happens each member of the team finishes his part and waits for new tasks to appear on the desk or someone finishes the module.

Once some part of a team just waiting without tasks for too long (even if they did finish previous once) it means something is missing in the organizing process.

Rule: We celebrate success only when each member of the team finished his/her work.

Fact: PM has to organize the work so that everyone will be involved and have all the tasks on the list

Having money & time invested in idea owner may be sometimes nervous and even angry. The project manager is the one who takes a punch in most cases. In the meantime, each member’s able to work in quite an calm atmosphere.
Fact: It’s mostly PM who’s having hard times with clients, defending the team and experiencing most of the stress.

To sum up

It’s said that PM doesn’t know tech side: how to fix bugs, code. and how he/she may be useful on the project?

At the end of the day, only Project Manager is able to handle stressful situations with clients, organize the team, handle communication, and lead a project to successful launch.


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